Technology Services

Advanced Technology Services offered by A3:

A3’s technical capabilities are basis for a slew of proven advanced technical services which are typically high-value-add types.

Research and Development
A3 undertakes contract research in areas of:

Technology Program / Contract Management Services

A3 acts as a single point contact for the full product development. It involves single point customer interaction, understanding product requirements, identifying most suitable vendors, integrating works of various vendors, project management and testing.

Turnkey Product Development

A3 carries out full product development itself in areas of Wireless technology, Advanced Data Analysis and Algorithms.

Technology & Product Evaluation Assignment

A3 evaluates various technologies and products for certain application, and come out with comparative report with recommendation

Idea Generation

A3 helps clients to generate various ideas resulting in IP, inventions and white papers.

A3 RMT brings domain expertise
A3 RMT helps in idea generation

The core concept of A3’s system resides in the slogan “Anytime, Anywhere, ACCESS” to medical expert FOR REMOTE PATIENT MANAGEMENT !!

This implies that a doctor must be able to access live patient
data & the patient at any given moment – be it from his clinic or while he is travelling in his car.

This system comes with a three-dimensional solution space that covers medical parameters, monitoring levels and non-negotiable factors for sustainable healthcare delivery.

The A3 Solution

Affordable Care

Along with being cost-efficient, this device can be customized as per the patient’s needs and additional requirements.

Straightforward Access

This solution provides rapid and uninterrupted access to healthcare professionals for early detection and diagnosis. It is suitable for multiple clinical environments such as in the ambulance, at home, in the hospital, and health camps.


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